China Commercial Cotton Carryover Stock Monthly Report - April, 2014

Source:China Cotton Association  Date: 12/May/2014

In April, commercial cotton carryover stock decreased over last month and on Y/Y level to the lowest point in recent three years, for the reduced reserve cotton release price enlarging the reserve transaction volumes. Usually Xinjiang reserve cotton is transported mostly via railways, while commercial cotton is by roads. As more reserve cotton was sold during the month, road transportation was also used for reserve cotton. During April, 80,000 tons of cotton was transported by road out of Xinjiang, 47,000 tons more over the month. For the 2013/14 season, 158,000 tons of cotton has been transported out of Xinjiang by road.
According to survey conducted by China Cotton Association Cotton Warehousing and Logistics Branch to 180 CCA member warehouses, by the end of April, there is 184,000 tons of commercial cotton, including 159,000 tons in inland warehouses and 25,000 tons in Xinjiang warehouses, 8,000 tons less over the month, and 89,000 tons less Y/Y. The commercial cotton is comprised of 39% of import cotton and 46% of Xinjiang cotton and 15% of inland cotton. The national commercial carryover stock projection is 225,000 tons based on this, 13,000 tons less over the month. During April, around 10,000 tons commercial cotton was transported via 26 railway transfer stations in Xinjiang.
Monitored By: China Cotton Association Cotton Warehousing and Logistics Branch
Monitored Subject: 180 cotton warehouses in 18 provinces or municipality

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